The wave of the catkin shows the vitality of spring. As well as the vigor of the youth which we have.
Around 6PM on 4.11, the balloon volleyball combat began as it was promised. In the competition of the students from the international college and college of urban and rural development.Their skills for all watching his classmates offer a visual feast.

Early before the combat, the team of ICBUA was already there at the battle field for a warm up.
Even though it is already the battle of final, the atmosphere among the team remains joyful and without anxiety with the laughter of our team members.After the sound of the whistle, the combat was officially began. We had the initiative right after the beginning. It was a dramatic beginning point.However, the team from the opposite, team Country Side Development fond the rhythm of the game. The team from the opposite got the scores one after another by excellent performances from the dignitaries with theirs remarkable skills. The result of this game was getting mystery. At the time, the senior of the team stood out, contracted huge advantages by using their self-proved abilities and implacable skills. We then got the wining of the first round with the score 25:21.

经过短暂的中场休息, 第二局比赛很快拉开了帷幕。与第一句比赛相比,第二局比赛节奏更快。bevictor伟德官网队巧妙地抓住了对手的接发球的失误,在比赛伊始就建立了巨大的优势。整场比赛十分激烈,双方选手都表现出了高超的技巧。在比赛中,国院队通过一次发球得分再次占据优势,队员们在场上放开手脚。通过有力的发球以为高效率的防守继续拉开比分差距。队友之间相互掩护,多点开花,利用了身体以及技术上的优势。最终国院以25:20的比分拿下第二场比赛。以2:0的总比分夺得了本次气排球比赛的冠军。
The second round were even more condense, the team of ICBUA was using the fault the other team had made on the beginning of the term to trick the opponent. At the time, our team made our hart get still by a brilliant serve by another hero, our member then can give their best shot by offensive and defensive moves. The superiority then reminded. They covered each other. Made progress like a firework. They absolutely used the most out there's body advantages. Eventually, the team of ICBUA became the champion of the balloon volleyball combat by getting the big score of 2:0 and 25:20 in second round.

The competition reflects the spirit of the students of the International Institute of sports and excellent sports talent. Hope that the Chinese soldiers can be in the next games, to show themselves, to achieve better results.