2016年12月22日晚6:30,bevictor伟德官网员工会以“Live While We are Young” 为主题的圣诞迎新晚会在学校礼堂隆重举办。各兄弟院系老师、bevictor伟德官网全体教师,包括外籍教师,以及来自各学院的同学们参与了此次晚会。
The evening of December 22, 2016,6:30, Beijing University of Agriculture international college students Union called "Live While we are Young" as the theme of the Christmas New Year party held in the school hall. Each brother faculties, international college teachers, including foreign teachers and the other college students participated in the party.

18:30分整,bevictor伟德官网2016年圣诞晚会以播放“新闻联播”创意宣传片的方式拉开了序幕。此次晚会的节目有:火辣劲爆的PB模特社开场秀、酷炫的BN街舞社表演、动人心弦的北农之声——校园十大歌手前三串烧、外教老师们的天籁之音《show》、轻松欢乐的小品《我是演员之偶像团》、美如诗画的歌舞《画心》、温婉大气的教职工舞蹈《你送我一支玫瑰花》、绝美的钢琴弹唱《她说记得》、首体戏剧社带来的倾心之作《许愿》、技艺高超的舞蹈《We are young》、听觉盛宴《Forever Lover》、感人至深的歌曲《眼泪》。在节目当中,bevictor伟德官网员工会还穿插了抽奖环节,深得观众喜爱。
18:30 points whole, International College Christmas party in 2016 played with the news network creative Promo. Then the party kicked off. The evening programs are: hot PB model agency, BN opening show cool hip-hop community performances, the sound strike a deep chord---campus ten singers before three skewers, teachers song "show", relaxed and happy comedy "actors of the idol group", as beautiful as poetry and dance "heart painting", gentle atmosphere staff dance "you give me a rose", beautiful piano performance "she said, remember" , the first drama brought heart as "the wish" and skillful dance "We are young", "Forever Lover," touching song "tears". In the program, the International College Student Union also interspersed lottery links, they won the audience favorite.

The party began after a short movie.The models dressed in modern dresses performed a T stage show by cat walk. The audiences screamed at the pretty moderns.Afterwards, the heavy curtain draw, the compere in magnificent dress came on stage.

After a short prologue, Professor Tan Feng gave a Christmas greetings in English. Thanks to the blessing from teacher Tan, it took us warm power in Christmas Eve. All students in IC will study hard for catching teachers’ wish.

After the hot opening of PB model agency, the eye-catching showed one after another. Tula and Hilda brought the album "show" let the audience intoxicated in the sounds of nature.

BN hip-hop club performance is also very eye-catching. The unique Mechanical dance wan the plaudits. Actors showed youth and vitality without reservation in front of the audience, presented a visual feast for the audience.

Next was the International College of class 2016 students to bring the sketch “actors of the idol group their wonderful performance culminated the atmosphere of the party. They invested and exaggerated performances again and again cited audience laughed, and cheered.

Then, in the song and dance showed "painting", "International College Dance double beauty" held their hands, with singing and dancing depicted a love knot. The singing and dancing touching the audience intoxicated and amazing.

The warmest performance was the teaching staff dance "you sent me a rose". The teachers with melodious music and exotic dance let people intoxicating. The audience applause to thank the teachers of supported the international school Christmas party.

The IBM student Wang Ying is called “the best love songs singer “in International College. She uses the excellent melody and deep sentiment showed songs "she said the tear". The emotional singing conquered the hearts of the audience.

After listening to love songs, drama "wish" is equally exciting. Actors by Santa Claus for people to achieve the desire of the story truly conveyed to the audience Christmas blessings.

晚会已进行到后半段,bevictor伟德官网员工带来的舞蹈《We are young》伴着强大的气势hold住全场。此时此刻,演员们在台下的付出在舞台上完美绽放。
Party has been carried out to the second half, International college students dance "We are young" with a powerful momentum held all the audience. At this moment,the actors' pay was rewarded.

When the dancer exited, the top ten singers came up together on stage again, singing a “Love song King" for everyone. They made their way to performed this song, cooperate with each other in a seamless heavenly robe. All the audience applauded in the end.

The last event is the grand finale - by Wang Qi, Bi Ruiyang sang "tears" for the party drew a satisfactory full stop. Finally, the chairman of the student union describes the Commissar members and the international college students for the audience, made a grateful to all people who contribute in this party.

这次以“Live while we are Young”为主题的bevictor伟德官网圣诞晚会暨迎新晚会顺利落下帷幕。我们也将这台晚会献给远在英国和澳大利亚的师兄、师姐们,愿他们圣诞快乐,学业有成。此次晚会的成功举办,离不开演员们的尽心演出,也离不开国院员工会工作人员的辛苦筹划,更离不开学校、学院各方力量的支持。最后,祝愿全校师生圣诞快乐!也让我们共同期待着一个越来越优秀的bevictor伟德官网员工会!
The theme of “Live while we are young “,the International School of thought the Christmas party and the welcome fresher party successfully concluded. We will also be dedicated the party to our brothers and sisters, who study in the UK and Australia, wish them merry Christmas andimprovement of their academic performance. The party's success cannot do without the actors, the workers and the teachers. More cannot do without the support of all school and colleges. Finally, wish all teachers and students merry Christmas! Let us also look forward to an increasingly outstanding International college student union!