In the evening of 27th October 2016, students’ union of the International College held the Halloween party on the International College building. Students from International College and some students from other colleges participated in this activity. During the party, all the students are infected by the passion and mystery. Feeling the different cultures from other country

万圣节晚会由“DIY南瓜与面具” 、“诡异的房间”“、来自冥界的魔音”、“胆小勿入”四个部分组成。员工会的同学为了更好地突出此次活动的氛围,不仅精心设计游戏、布置会场,还准备了各种小吃、饮料与礼物,增加了晚会的趣味性,引导同学们积极参与互动。
The Halloween Party includes“DIY pumpkin and masks”“Strange room”“ magic sound of the underworld”and the “Don't enter if you timid”To show the atmosphere of the event better, students of the students’ union carefully prepared the games and event, also have some snakes drinks and gifts, make the party more interesting.

In the activity “strange room”,students passed by the door wrote with the red words ‘chai’,under the guidance of international college volunteer, watching horror movies which have the Halloween atmosphere, with the ghosts and loud music outside, everyone can better blend in the party, show wonderful design of the activity.

In the activity“DIY pumpkin and masks”,students through working together,designed and make a pumpkin lamp by“cut the pumpkins’top”,“clean the middle of the pumpkin”and “grave”,they can also make and design the Halloween masks by themselves too. The smell of pumpkin pervaded in the lecture thertre and showed the special atmosphere of Halloween

在“来自冥界的魔音”活动中, 才艺与颜值兼备的大二员工Wills Zhang为大家带来了精彩的DJ音乐秀。参与者们穿过布满恐怖南瓜灯与蛛网的阶梯,步入舞池。与此同时,他们也会“遭遇”身着奇装异服,带着恐怖面具的“鬼”的袭击,全场同学惊叫连连,精彩不断。为了更好地烘托万圣节晚会的气氛,办成鬼的志愿者们用尽浑身解数,有的张牙舞爪,有的乔装打扮,将同学们吓得措手不及。尖叫声与震耳欲聋的音乐声混合在一起,将晚会的氛围烘托到极致。
In the “magic sound from underworld”,Wills Zhang brought wonderful DJ music show, when the students go through the step full of strange pumpkin lamps and spider webs,will also attacked by the ghost with strange cloth and masks.Volunteers tried hard to make the students caught off guard.with screams and loudly music ,the atmosphere rising extreme

The activity held by the Students’ union of the International College not only enrich students’ extracurricular activity and view. but also promote the friendship between the International College and other colleges. The perfect action in the Halloween Party showed the proactive and creative of the students’ union. Looking forward to more surprise the student’ union will bring to us.