2015年12月24日晚,bevictor伟德官网员工会在礼堂举办了以怦然心动为主题的bevictor伟德官网圣诞晚会暨迎新大会。伟德国际1946的老师和同学们相约共度平安夜。In the evening of 24th December of 2015, a Christmas party as well as the welcoming party was held in the auditorium by the Students’ Union of the International College. Students and teachers from the BUA attend this party.

The party began after a short movie.The models dressed in modern dresses performed a T stage show by cat walk. The audiences screamed at the pretty moderns.Afterwards, the heavy curtain draw, the compere in magnificent dress came on stage.

After a short prologue, Professor Zhang Zhiyong gave a Christmas greetings in English. Thanks to the blessing from teacher Zhang, it took us warm power in Christmas Eve. All students in IC will study hard for catching teachers’ wish.

紧接着,精彩纷呈的节目便一一登场。甜美动人的舞蹈——威风堂堂,掀起了晚会的高潮;一曲歌曲串烧——Rage and roar更点燃了每一位观众的激情。随后合唱团演唱的一首The first noel讲述并虔诚地赞颂了圣诞节的起源,使圣诞节的气氛更加浓郁。
The perfect performances wen on shortly afterwards. The dance WeFengTangTang brought the evening party to a fiery atmosphere. Then a song Rage and Roar made every one there exciting. . The choir sang a song about The first noel and reverently praise the origin of Christmas, so Christmas atmosphere more rich.

Teachers from the teacher’s dancing club brought all the audience a greeting. The dance rain of pear flower which was extremely wonderful.

The magic show, which won lots of wonders is very interesting and amazing.

The lottery part was followed by the magic show.

The fifth program was called Chinese culture meeting the western culture under the moon light. This performance is mainly based on battle which stand for PK among the 2 groups.The traditional team first brought the fern leaf hedge bamboo under the moon light.It was performed by plucked instrument, curability flute and pipa and it sound fantastic. The western band played a Turkey march which was fresh and elegant. Finally they performed a blue and white porcelain together. The two cultures net and mixed, which showed us audio visual feast.

Our lovley foreign teacher announced people who won the second class prize in a lottery.

One brought by a classmate Xu Yun solo - Dreaming in Wonderland makes mesmerizing, soothing rhythm with her graceful dance complement each other. International Academy of Art Department students dance shake also highlights the country's youth and vitality homes of students.

Subsequently, the International College 15 food classes for the audience to bring a hilarious drama - packaging. The drama joined the comic, food, emotional, news and other elements. Funny, but also highlights a gourmet specialty food classes do and versatile. Actor humor, funny, witty makes the audience laughs and applause continued. The 15 by the International Institute of Food classes directed and starred in the drama won the audience alike.

Then, the most thrilled moment arrived, the first prize was announced by WuLan.

Ultimately, this evening at the cut by four North farmers bring ten singers quartet repertoire --21guns come to an end.

The Christmas party was held successfully reflects the quality of international solidarity and cooperation with the college student dutifully spirit. Wonderful performances of this show also reflects the international college students the spirit of solidarity and vigorous momentum. Success of the party held also inseparable from our active participation and dedication. Let us look forward to more exciting activities organized by their next of it!