The international College female and economic administration held a basketball match on the playground at noon on November 17, 2015.Shan Lu, Ziyi Wang, Xihan Wang, Xiaofei Yao, Mengzhen Wang, Meiyuan Zheng, Xinyue Zhu took part in the competition.
The match pulled a great crowd who boosted the morale of the team members before the match began. Everybody did warming up before the match began.
In the first part of the competition, the Economic Administration College once came first by 9:4. The International College team changed their strategy on time.
Luckily the International College team soon beat back by scored 3 balls at once as the score came to 9:5 in the second part. The International College team scored by long pass and scored the ball before the competitors could stop them. The economic administration College team scored some balls too. The second part’s score is 14 to15, the International College team came first.
In the third part, the International College increase the leading edge. They intercept and block shots many times, which increase others mistakes. Ziyi Wang and Shan Lu from international college were outstanding. They intercepted the opposing team's fast breaks many times then scored with a reverse layup. Meiyua Zheng rebounded many times. At last, the third part's score is 31 to 24.

The process carried on intense intensely. Every team members fight for victory. The international college was at first all the time. Before the match over, Shan Lu shoot a three-point shot. At last, the international college won the match and the score is 42 to 35. The international college was promoted the final game.

在本次比赛中,两院选手们用娴熟的技巧为大家献上了一场值得记忆的视觉盛宴。经管学院队员的团结、拼搏和努力赢得我们的尊重。公司队员敢打敢拼、逆流而上的精神状态体现了国院的传统风貌。相信我们的女篮队员在接下来的决赛中将愈战愈勇,再创佳绩。让我们拭目以待,共同期待她们的精彩表现。Competitors from the International College team performed us a wonderful basketball game. Their competitive and hardworking showed the sprite of The International College. There's no double that they will keep working hard and will make more progress in the coming final competition.