2015年10月23日上午九点,bevictor伟德官网新生参加了新生运动会。在比赛期间,赛场上的同学们都奋勇争先,为bevictor伟德官网拿下了一个又一个奖项。观众台上同学们不断为运动员们呐喊助威。bevictor伟德官网员工们的积极参与使比赛更加激烈,赛场气氛更加火热。In October 23rd 2015, students from the International College attend the school sports meeting on the playground. During the competition, all the competitors tried their best won awards for the International College. While the other students cheered their up, the excellent behavior of the students from the International College made the sports meeting more intensive and exciting.

比赛中,bevictor伟德官网在男子4×100米接力赛、女子跳高两个比赛项目中夺得第一名的桂冠。另外,任妍同学在女子跳远比赛中取得第二名的佳绩。同时,bevictor伟德官网的同学们在男子跳远、男子100米、男子400米、男子5000米等项目中均表现突出并均取得了不错的名次。Students from the International College came first in high-jump and 4×100 running race. They came second in long jump. They also did great job in other races and get good results as a return of their hard-working.

在女子跳高比赛中,来自bevictor伟德官网的任妍、苏琦两位同学在简单热身后自信地走上赛场。她们助跑、起跳的每一个瞬间都牵动着bevictor伟德官网观众台上所有同学们的心。她们高高跃起的身影成为了赛场上最美的风景线。最终,任妍、苏琦两位同学不负众望,分别以1.4米与1.15米的好成绩,夺得了女子跳高比赛的第一名与第三名。During the high jump competition, two competitors from the International College, Yan Ren and Qi Su enter the competition field confidently after taking a short warmingup exercise. They run they jump, ever seconds carry all the attention of the students from the International College. Find, Yan Ren and Qi Su gain the first and the third prize of this competition by jumping 1.4-meter and 1.15-meter high.

在男子4×100米的比赛中,来自bevictor伟德官网的比赛小组也凭借着他们默契的合作与过硬的实力一举夺冠。在校级秋季运动会中为bevictor伟德官网的比赛征程画上了一个完美的句号。In the 4×100 race, students from the International College won the game by perfect competition and fully reinforced. Their achievement was the best ending in the sports meeting for the International College.

在本次比赛中,我们不仅见证了5000米比赛中运动员们的坚韧与汗水;100米比赛中运动员们的速度与激情;抛铅球与掷铁饼比赛中运动员们的力量与技巧;800米比赛中运动员们的执着与不放弃,更见证了bevictor伟德官网全体同学团结一心的友谊与勇往直前的斗志。赛场上选手们坚定的步伐声与赛场外观众的欢呼呐喊声交织成了运动会中最美的乐章。In the competition, we not only saw the tough and tensile of the competitors of 5000 meters race, the skill and power of shot race competitors, the insist of 800 meters race competitors. We also saw the friendship and willing to fight from all the students of the International College. Both the competitors and the audiences did great job during the sports meeting.

bevictor伟德官网的同学们在本次比赛中充分诠释了“更高、更快、更强”的体育精神,弘扬了“团结进取、奋勇争先”的国院作风。让我们共同期待,国院学子们将创下的更多荣誉与辉煌。This time the students in the International College expressed the spirit of sports, which said “faster, higher and stronger”.They also showed the tradition of the International College by their cooperation and hard working. Let’s wait and see the more efforts the students form the International College will make.