September 12, 2015.Freshmen held an outdoor sports activity with high spirits. Students were all excited, gathered at the playground, ready to begin this activity.

在班助的一声令下,素质团战的的第一个游戏----贴人,开始了!同学们两人前后一组围成了圆圈,选出一组进行贴人。参与活动的同学既紧张又激动,生怕自己被拍到,变成追的那个人。于是,大家都奋力奔跑,有的人甚至跑到了跑道上,有的人不小心摔倒,引来一片大笑。不一会儿,大家就没有了开始的生分。到了最后两分钟,按照规定谁被拍到就要表演节目,所以,“可怜”的 梁念宜同学硬着头皮在圆圈中间表演了“可爱”的节目。一个贴人游戏,就简简单单地把大家的心贴近了好些。
As the class assistant shouted begin, we began the very first game of today------TieRen. Everyone was all rounded in a circle. Freshmen were thrilled, afraid to fail thus they all ran with full speed, some people even ran into the runway, some people accidently tumbled caused the laugh of everyone. After a while, everyone was closer. In the last 2 minutes, poor Liang failed the game, so she sang a song in the middle of the circle. A game, put each one’s heart together.

Next, the last game but one on a theatrical------tear the name card apart, ready to begin. Organizers used scissors, sellotape, golden silver mark pen, wrote their name on yellow and green card, sticked at their back. Some people didn’t want to be “tear” too soon, so they use a lot of sellotape to stick the name card. All these lovely action made us laugh. As soon as the game began, everyone ran into anywhere. Everybody tried to tear other people’s name card apart as soon as possible. The playground was full of happiness. The game losers watched the winners ran, the survivals continued fight in the playground. By the time the game over, everyone was exhausted but happy, everyone was more closer.

In the end, everyone took a photo together, in the photo, each one was super happy. Today’s activity was not only simply a game, but also a good deed that made everyone closer and unity. We believe, these freshmen will become brothers and sisters in the near future.