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发布者: [发表时间]:2014-12-25[来源]:bevictor伟德官网 [浏览次数]:




Dec. 24, 2014, “Fleet of Time” Christmas Evening was held by ICBUA, which brought us back to past to re-experience the fleet of time and gave us a grand ceremony of time. Fan Shuangxi, the vice president of BUA, Zhang Zhiyong, the dean of ICBUA, Tan Feng, the Secretary of Party General Branch of ICBUA,  Dong Lei, the vice president of ICBUA and all ICBUA teachers attended this ceremony.



The opening video took us through the time. Things which happened in the old days reappeared in our mind. And then the poem reciting kept us in the time river.



In Prof. Zhang’s speech, we got the news of how big progress the ICBUA did and the change of teachers in this year.  At the end of the speach, Prof. Zhang said “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” to all teachers and students in BUA.


劲舞!钢管!热辣的信号扑面而来!《party leader》展现了年少无知的我们,展示了我们当初的疯狂,将我们领回了那段轻狂的时代。

Hot dance! Steel tube! Fashionable signal was in the air. <party leader> showed our youth, crazy time.


节目带来的劲爆还没消散,晚会的第一次抽奖就已经开始了。在美女外教Fay的口令下,六名幸运儿脱颖而出,他们分别获得了特等奖私人定制旅游和三等奖ipod shuffle

After the show, the first lucky draw was begun. The beautyful foreign teacher, Fay, picked out 6 lucky dogs to get the special award and the third award.



4 beautiful Xinjiang girl brought a minority dance. Bowls were on their heads, plates were in their hands. Dangerous! But they held it. So great they were.


<Freedom>, which is from a band, brought us back from the minority beauty. And we felt the power of rock music by their second song.


就在这激动的时刻,第二次抽奖开始了。又一位幸运儿被谭锋书记抽中,他获得本次晚会的二等奖ipod touch。在抽奖空隙,谭锋书记也向观众和北农师生送上暖暖的节日祝福。

At this exciting moment, the second lucky draw was picking. Finally, Prof.  Tan picked the lucky dog to award the second award , ipod touch. During the lucky draw, Prof. Tan  offered his best holiday blessing to all audience.


wave the youth》,我们不再年轻,终于我们迎来蜕变,走向成年。五位大二来自同一宿舍的姑娘用舞蹈诠释了这一脱骨的蜕变,让我们动容。

Finally, we grew up. <Wave the youth> brought us to the maturity and interpreted this transformation.



Cute pigeons appeared out of nowhere one by one The magician showed us this miracle time by his perfect skills and brought the first crescendo.


一首《what i have been looking for》,让我们沉思,让我们深省,我们的青春会是什么样子,但即便再不堪的青春,也不会有人选择投降。

<What i have been looking for> made us ponder and self-reflect. We would never give up our youth, though it is overwhelming enough.


激烈的对舞,兄弟的情深,《battle men》不仅仅是一个群舞,更是一个trigger,想起了过去一起哭一起笑的兄弟。

Stormy battle dance and emotion between brotherhoods made up the group dance <battle men>. It  is not only a show but also a trigger. It reminded us the days we were among with the bros.



With the baby’s cry, Jesus was born.<Jesus’s birth> told us the origin of Christmas and made the audience laugh by their funny lines and exaggerated performances.


未来的不确定让我们恐惧,但有你傍在我身旁,我又有什么可以害怕的。《dream college》让我们见证了两个人坚定的爱情,但也看到了现实的残酷。当初的那个她,多么美好的曾经,也只能最后消失在了匆匆那年里。

Unknown future make us frightened, but I don't fear it because you are by my side. We witnessed the love in the <dream college> and also saw the cruelty of reality.



A group of cute cats which were played by girls brought us <dance of ever-bright city>.


今晚最大的奖项花落谁处?张志勇经理为今晚最为幸运的一等奖同学颁发ipad air2.

Finally, the last lucky draw was started. And the lucky dog is from ICBUA. Prof. Zhang gave the award to her.



At last, <the story of time> gave the party a happy ending.



We passed a lot in the fleet of time. But after we entering the ICBUA, our home which provide us international horizon and bigger place to fight in, we will never pass again.