December 4, the Closing Ceremony for the 2-weeks exchange student program was held in ICBUA lecture theatre 2. Mr Tan Feng, the secretary of the party committee of ICBUA, Mr Zhang Zhiyong, the dean of ICBUA and other teachers presented the ceremony. Program operator Mr Hou Maoshu hosted the meeting.
结业典礼上,侯茂书总结汇报了此次交换生项目的完成情况。来自伊迪斯科文大学的教务处主任David Blake展示了由他制作的涵盖两周交换生丰富经历的电子相册,并对bevictor伟德官网能将活动组织得如此丰富多彩表示感谢;公司党总支书记谭锋也表示这是一次非常有价值的活动,每一个参与其中的同学都表现的非常好,这次活动增加了伟德国际1946与伊迪斯科文大学之间的友谊,促进了两校间的交流和友好往来,并为同学们颁发了结业证书;bevictor伟德官网经理张志勇首先向两校同学顺利拿到结业证书表示祝贺。张经理表示正是由于各位交换生的到来,让两校员工都能收获颇丰,也使得伟德国际1946与伊迪斯科文大学的关系更加紧密。之后,张经理向来自伊迪斯科文大学的交换生赠送了精心准备的礼物,两校的友谊更加深厚。
On the ceremony, Hou Maoshu has summarized the progress of the program. Dr. David Blade showed the photos from himself about this two weeks experience, and gave the thanks on behalf of ECU group for holding such a great programme. After that, Prof. Tan stated that this program was valuable and fruitful, and it enhanced the relationship between BUA and ECU. In addition, he speaks highly of the students who were at the program. And then, he awarded the certificate of graduation from the programme to the students. Finally, Prof. Zhang gave a short speech to congratulate the students and gave thanks to the effort of all students. Then he provided themwith gifts and best wishes. At last, the teachers from both universities exchanged the gifts, and thanked each other.
This exchange project showed the extension of internationalization of ICBUA. It gave the ICBUA students opportunity to know better about their life about studying abroad, expanded their horizon. It make the relationship between BUA and ECU strongger.