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发布者: [发表时间]:2014-11-27[来源]:bevictor伟德官网 [浏览次数]:


2014 11 24 星期一,来自澳大利亚伊迪斯科文大学的20名交换生以及2名教师抵达公司,并于上午10:00在bevictor伟德官网楼阶梯教室一举行了开班仪式。国际级学院相关领导、老师参加了此次仪式,仪式由侯茂书老师主持。

24th November 2014, Monday, 20 exchange students and 2 teachers from Australia Edith Cowan University have arrived at our school. The opening ceremony has been held at the International College Building Lecture theater 1. The Chair of International College Tan Feng and vice president of International College Dong Lei have attended the ceremony. Programme operator Hou Maoshu hosted the meeting.

在开班仪式上,公司党总支书记谭锋老师首先向交换生表示由衷地欢迎。谭锋书记特意讲述了此次班徽的寓意,希望两校的合作顺利,希望双方的员工都能在合作中受益,并预祝每位员工在未来的两周交换生活中能够学如所愿。澳大利亚ECU课程管理负责人David Blake在开班仪式上指出,BUAECU之间的合作是牢固的,他对两校间初次的交换生项目充满信心和期待。

Chair Tan had first warm welcomed the visitors. Then he made a short speech to explain the meaning of the Logo of this programme. He hope to extent the good relationship between BUA and ECU through this activity. Finally he gave the best wishes to the students from Australia to enjoy this experience. After Tan, the ECU representative teacher David Blake had conducted a speech to explain the importance of building up a stronger relationship between BUA and ECU. He expected to have a wonderful experience during this two week’s time.


NextHou Maoshu showed the schedule of the programme for the students. Then he guided the students to building up teams and took the pictures of all students and staff. Finally, Mr. Hou explain the student guide for the ECU students. We are looking forward to see the more excited activities in the next two weeks time.