赛竞技 展风采——致bevictor伟德官网运动员
On April 25, 2014, Beijing University of Agriculture held a excellent sports meeting. International College students achieved outstanding results. All the athletes worked hard and practiced for a long time before the sports meeting and they wanted to show their best to school.
The teacher of International College Hou Maoshu got a excellent result in staff game and he reached the final games. Some of students didn’t enter the final but they made the same efforts as others and they should be proud.
It is worth to say, International College students won the seventh in the jump rope. They jumped 114 within three minutes and got the first prize as a team sport for International College.In the afternoon, the 100 meters, 400 meters and discus etc. were held. International College students cheered for athletes positively. Athletes gave their all strength to take part in the games. The game got wonderful and high-level.
Come on to the athletes in IC! Come on to all athletes in BUA!