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发布者: [发表时间]:2013-11-22[来源]:bevictor伟德官网 [浏览次数]:





On November 20, 2013 at noon on Wednesday, the League branch secretary of grade 2011 to 2013 in ICBUA learning the spirit of “the Eighteenth Congress” and discuss construction of class in B411.



At first, league propaganda committee member Liu Zuchen introduce the topic of this seminar and the related content, then the league vice-secretary Wang Dongmei share the part of spirit Eighteenth Congress which closely related to our life, then organize we to analyze the actualities of learning in our class. Everyone shared the situation of each class recently and discussed how to build a better class.



In the end, League branch secretary communicates with each other experience. The symposium aims to communicate experience each other and makes detailed planning of class construction in the future.




 (文) 陈科谕