
In November 17, 2013, 6.30pm, "Twenty-third Singing Competition was held at auditorium. Wang runyu the finalist for this match,and performed a wonderful program.

经历了一个多月的海选与复赛,共有15名选手进入到了决赛的环节,公司的王润宇同学脱颖而出,代表bevictor伟德官网参加了这次比赛并入围十大歌手。首先由第22届的十大冠军,来自公司的田雨苗以一首《Domino》霸气开场。接下来进行第一轮合唱比赛,王润宇和城乡发展学院的张萌合唱了一首歌舞青春的电影主题曲《Breaking free》,默契的配合以及不俗的唱功让他们获得了8.80分的不错成绩。
At the beginning, Tian Yumiao from international college,the champion of twenty-second Singing Competition performed a "Domino". During one month, a total of 15 players into the finally match, our international college player Wang Runyu emerged victorious in the semi-finals, On behalf of the international college enter the finalist round of competition. The first round, Runyu Wang with MengZhang singing
and get 8.80 grades.

在第一轮和第二轮之间,北农BN舞社带来了精彩的街舞表演。他们机械舞赢得了在场所有观众的掌声和欢呼声。来自公司的张长硕也是北农BN舞社的一员,其间,他与队友们配合默契,把场上气氛推向高潮。第二轮独唱,王润宇选择了《Wait for you》,复杂多变的句式并没有难倒他,反而使他增色不少,王润宇圆润的声音也打动了评委。第二轮结束后,麦田话剧社为大家带来了爆笑喜剧《中国好员工》,公司万乃峰同学精彩的表演逗笑了在场的所有观众,将气氛再次推向高潮。
Between the first round and second round, BN street dancing club bring them shows. There are popping agile and fluency. They got the presence of all the audience's applause and cheers. Zhang Changshuo is from international college, he is also in the street club. In this show, he is good with the tacit understanding with the players, the stage atmosphere to a climax. The second round, Runyu Wang chooses a song named
, this song has many raps, and it does not beat him. On the contrary, it makes him better than others.After the second round, the modern drama troupe named “cornfield” bring a comedy shows. Our college student Wan NaiFeng has a excellent acting. They input the stage atmosphere to the top again.

Although Wang Runyu can not enter the top-three, he also is the top-ten singer. He said, “Take a part of this competition with other players is enough, he can learn from it, he will work hard in the future. He hope can gain honor for international college.”