At 10:30 on September 10, 2013, Beijing Agricultural College 2010 63 international students in the International Dean Tan Feng and Guo fax ride accompanied by a teacher's class Lufthansa UK time 5:30 Arrive Birmingham airports. While riding a dozen hours of long-haul aircraft, the students of the school and not with curiosity and excitement tired weakened. At the airport farewell scene with their parents are also vivid.
到达伯明翰机场后,我们就见到了专门来接机的来自哈珀亚当斯大学的几位老师与学姐,经过一小时的巴士旅途,我们安全抵达了哈珀亚当斯大学。虽然是晚上,英国的气温也很冷但是Student Wardens的嘘寒问暖竟让我们倍感温暖。
Birmingham Airport after arrival, the students saw a special on to pick from the University of Hubble Adams last several teachers with several sister school, after one-hour bus trip, the students arrived safely Hubble Adams University . Although it was night, the United Kingdom, the temperature is very cold, arranged a special school or school management to help Chinese students to find a hostel luggage. After arriving quarters, as well as sister school to ask for dormitory accommodation is satisfied, on whether the temperature habits and other issues, which are so that students feel warm.
The new progress of study in foreign begins; we must study hard for our parents and teachers in BUA.