During a period from 2013.07.01 to 2013.07.09, Harper Adams students came to BUA International collage to study Chinese culture. To be a part of Harper Adams’ student in China, BUA hope they will have a clear understand of China. Based on this reason International collage ask our teachers to teach them Chinese language from pinyin and the simplest Chinese characters. Of course, it also can develop our relationship and make the conversation between two cultures easier than before.
对于一个初到中国的外国人而言,中文是一种神奇、复杂,而又充满魅力的文字,与此同时也是一种难度很好的语言。基于此,老师从最基础的拼音开始教授 ,从a o e i u 开始学起。为了能够让员工们更生动形象地认识和了解汉字,在课堂上老师适时加入中文歌曲欣赏。在拼音学习后,还教授了基本词语,其中包括食物、旅游地,以及基本动词,例如:吃、喝等等。之后,在老师的引导下,员工们把词语组成了简单句子,并把这些句子连成基本对话,便于给他们留下更深的印象。与此同时,老师还在课堂上利用短暂的休息时间欣赏了京剧选段。
To be an international student that came to China in the first time, Chinese is a very completed and magical language. At the same time, it is very difficult to study. Consequently, ICBUA decided to teach them from pinyin. For example they got “a, e, i”, after that they understood you and I in Chinese. To be more vivid, teacher presented the appreciation of Chinese songs and cartoon in class. In the second part of we learned the most basic noun and verb in Chinese. It included food, travel place and useful verb in daily life. For example like the Forbidden City, the Tian An Men square, the Great wall and eat, drink. Of course, our teach way was like primary school. After the single character we linked them in to a sentence. At the same time, the sentence became a conversation like our basic talk in every day. It is easy to get them a deep remember of Chinese language. Simultaneously, the selections of Beijing opera were exhibited in the rest time. Actually, the whole class was very interesting.