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加强交流 促进友谊 实现进一步合作——哈珀亚当斯大学学院员工工作代表团来访

发布者: [发表时间]:2012-04-26[来源]:bevictor伟德官网 [浏览次数]:


April 18th -23th, 2012, leader of Harper Adams University College Student Services Center, Bacca, sports person Ben and his party came to the school talked about exchange program. They met junior students and also communicated details in Harper Adams College accommodation, student activities, and other circumstances. Vice Principal Xiaolin Du, International College International College president Zhiyong Zhang, International College International College Party branch secretary Feng Tan, vice president Tiejun Liu had a warm reception with the party.


3:30 pm, April 19th, 2012, the International College vice president Liu Tiejun, student trainer Guo and Zhu had a meeting on students situation. They reached a consensus on strengthen the junior abroad training.