2011年10月6日,秋风送爽,阳光明媚。bevictor伟德官网又迎来了新一届的莘莘学子。经理张志勇、党总支书记谭锋、副经理刘铁军、辅导员、班主任助理、员工会志愿者来到迎新展台,等待家长和新生的到来。 上午6:45分,新生开始陆续报到,班助和系员工会干部在迎新地点负责新生签到,发放具有bevictor伟德官网特色的各项阅读材料,志愿者们细心回答学弟学妹们的各种问题,帮助他们搬行李,解决宿舍问题。bevictor伟德官网全体服务人员向大一新生交上了一份满意的答卷。
6th October 2011, a cool and sunny autumn day, Beijing University of Agriculture International College has started a new term.The fresh students gradually arrived in campus since 6:45 AM. The student volunteers are helping them for registration; distributing international college’s reading materials. The volunteers answer various questions carefully, to help the new students carry their luggage, to solve accommodation problems. International College gave a good and satisfied service to the freshman students.

International college has prepared a guidebook for fresh students of international college in the year of 2011 which contained many detail information for modules, exam, resit and repeat study and so on from foundation year to final year. Some learning experience and methods of passed good students also contained in the guidebook. Propaganda exhibition board presented pictures of the moment of passed students’ study.

Through a rigorous selection, four year 1 students have been chosen to be administration assistants. The members of student union also try their best to help the new students. All the volunteers work together to complete this orientation. 5th October, the volunteers came to campus, acrossed between the dormitory building and the International College office, do the best to make the new students know all the important information, a series of preparations in an orderly manner.